Islamabad: 13th March 2021
The MEXT Alumni Association of Pakistan (MAAP) has launched its new website in a simple but prestigious ceremony organized online via Zoom on March 13th 2021. Members of MAAP Executive Committee, Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar attended. Mr. Ryuji Iwasaki, Counselor/Head of Public Affairs represented the Embassy of Japan Islsmabad. A message of H.E. Mr. Kuninori MATSUDA, the Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, on the launch of new website of MAAP was played. In his message the Ambassador termed the launch a new beginning of cultural cooperation between Pakistan and Japan. President MAAP Dr. Nasir M. Khan and other distinguished members of MAAP from Lahore and Peshawar chapter also expressed their views and appreciated the efforts of MAAP current executive committee for launching of new website. During the ceremony a guided tour of the website was conducted. Mr. Iwasaki, while giving his remarks appreciated the efforts made by MAAP for the promotion of educational and cultural relationship between Japan and Pakistan. (End)